Price of the Menu of the day : 30 LEI
Price of the Menu of the day : 30 LEI
Ciorbă de burtă/de fasole uscată cu ciolan porc/tărănească cu carne porc/de legume sau supă cremă de legume - la alegere .(300mlciorba,100gr carne)
-La alegere.
Cotlet porc la cuptor cu fasole verde cu legume si cartofi natur.(150gr,150gr,50gr)
*The menu contains 2 buns
* You can order from the menu of the day and only the main course (with side dish, salad and bun) of each day for only 22.00 lei
* The menu of the dau can be served in the restaurant, ordered at or at 0786.404.506 or0254.211.114